Content Means Business
is a heavyweight analysis, ideation and content creation resource, with a light touch.
We believe the way a business
talks about itself reveals a lot.
We help organizations find – and keep – their clear, authentic voice
in a noisy world.
Let us help you be heard.
We exist to think content up
and write it downContent Means Business
is a heavyweight analysis, ideation and content creation resource, with a light touch.
We believe the way a business talks about itself reveals a lot. We help organizations find – and keep – their clear, authentic voice in a noisy world.
Let us help you be heard.
First impressions count.
So choose your words wisely.
Authoritative, accessible, aligned squarely with the needs and ambitions of your market. Words are at the heart of how you show up.
We’ll help you choose the perfect words, to you tell your story the way only you can.
“We are storytellers with an agenda. Intrigue. Inspire. Initiate valued and valuable relationships. That’s how we make content mean business”
Roger Linley. Tim Carlson.
Regional Leads, Content Means Business
Whose stories have we told?
And continue to tell…
Across industries, we work with the best to tell their very best stories.
A while ago, we noticed something bad.
There was a real shortage of compelling business-to-business content out there. As if the thinkers and writers doing wonderful work, in full color, for brands we love as consumers, had faded to gray when it came to business. Worse than cliches, worse than jargon, worse even than just not very interesting, there was no story.
So, we decided to create something good.
How could it be that organizations jam-packed with brilliant thinkers, world-changing innovators and life-altering influencers showed up as if they had nothing much to say? And to nobody in particular? We said ‘ENOUGH!’ These people deserve to have their stories told and heard. We know that people will listen if we do it the right way. We set up Content Means Business. And the rest is their story…
Our extraordinary team members:
deep knowledge and broad experience
Every client we work with, and all the industries we serve, can directly access the power of decades of strategic thinking and writing excellence. Everyone on our team combines outstanding professional abilities with natural curiosity. That means our clients benefit from an approach that’s always fresh yet never green.
Among many other roles, team members have been senior correspondents for global media organizations, including the BBC. They have worked at high-level intersections between business and government. They have crafted communication around most of the important automotive launches of the last two decades. They have been practitioners responsible for the internal culture of international businesses. They have supported billion-euro deal bids. They have earned the ear and the trust of the C-suite, from London to Los Angeles.
In short, they are the people who make your content mean business. We look forward to introducing you.